“You see, I live a prayer everyday. My prayer is, that you come to this, as how I have. You come to see, as you are, as your being is, all is enough.” ... Dhyan Vimal
I&I Discoveries is about you to you. Not the other. Not the world. Not the society. It’s about you discovering the preciousness within you, so you may live out the best of you. And in living the best of you, a natural sharing happens.
The I&I Discoveries programme delivers 4 rites for you to come back to you for you. The first is to go beyond influence, and the next is to awaken to be a creator, and the third is to be in the upward flow of energy, and the fourth is to access the pure self and function from it.
For information on the upcoming sessions, click on the attend a session button or refer to page highlights.